The Organ System
Lymphatic System
- Type of circulatory system composed of one way vessels that become larger as they move toward the center of the body
- Lies parallel to the systemic and pulmonary circulations
- Collects excess fluid (about 4L/day) that leaks into the interstitial space and returns it to the vena cava
- Lymphatic Capillaries
- Not all the fluid is reabsorbed in the interstitial space
- Excess fluid is collected and then returned to cardiovascular circulation
- Lacteals
- Collects facts in the form of chylomycrons from the villi in the Small Intestine and deliver them to the Liver
- Lymph Node/Vessels - filters out foreign particles that could potentially lead to disease
- Contain immune cells(B Cells)
- A place for antigens from microbes to interact with adaptive immune system for activation
- If this system was blocked, edema would follow
- INC in interstitial fluid
- Heart surgery pts have swollen legs and ankles, where the heart
cannot pump the blood fast enough and the blood begins to back up
- Gravity pulls the fluid toward lower extremities
Lymphatic fluid and venous system join to comprise a large thoracic duct in the chest
Fluid should be checked for pathogens only before being returned to the systemic highway system
- Lacteals: smallest lymphatic vessels