Monday, August 12, 2013
AV node –> Bundle of His/AV Bundle –> Purkinje Fibers
***Impulse initiation at the SA generates 60-100 signals per minute without any neural input
****Even with damage of SA node the AV node can pace to 40 bpm
***Atrial systole results in the INC atrial pressure and Atrial Kick
*The electrical activity can be measured in an ECG/EKG which has the characteristic landmarks
*1)P wave
**occurs immediately before the atria contract
**end of diastole
**end of SA node
*2)PR interval when the atria empty to ventricles
*3)QRS complex occurs just before the ventricles contract
**beginning of systole
**in conjunction with AV node –> bundle of his –> purkinje fibers
*4)ST when ventricles recover ”[[Heart Regulation]]”
*Cardiac output = Heart Rate (beats per minute) X Stroke Volume (Vol per beat)
**Cardiac output is usually 5L/min (resting adult male)
**Dependant on: ”Micro”
*diameter of blood vessels
*amount of blood returned
*rate and force of ventricular contraction ”Macro”
*CV health
*Systemic Health
==Functional Assessment:==
===Blood Chemistry – Salient Chemicals:===
*[[Cardiac Troponin (cTn)]]
**[[Cardiac Troponin T (cTnT)]]
**[[Cardiac Troponin I (cTnI)]]
*[[Creatine Kinase (CK)]]
*[[Creatine Kinase MB (CK-MB)]]
*[[Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)]]
*Atrial Kick: Additional blood vol forced from the atria into the ventricles (5-30% of the cardiac output)
*Cardiac output: total blood volume pumped by the ventricle in a minute
*Systole: ventricles contract and propels blood out the aorta into arteries w/ 120 mmHg or out the pulmonary arteries into the lungs, coupled with closure of AV
*Diastole: ventricles relax and fill with blood 80 mmHg, coupled with closure of SV
*Baroreceptors: pressure receptors
*Chemoreceptors: chemical receptors