Monday, August 12, 2013

Disulfide Bonds

[[[Types of Bonds]]
[[Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)]]

==Disulfide Bonds/Bridges==
 *OXIDATION of [[Cysteine]] [[amino acids]] residues

==Mechanism:== 1+2 4 5
*1)Two thiol residues are deprotonated producing two cysteine thiolates
**Accomplished by enzymes such as protein disulfide isomerase (PDI)
*2)Low molecular weight disulfide with two respsective R groups
*3)Two electron oxidation reaction
*4)Mixed Disulfide is formed by a two step reversible process
**thiol/disulfide exchange reactions
**?Nucleophilic attack of one of the thiolates to one of the sulfur atoms of the disulfide creating a Protein-S-Sd
***Sd* is a sulfur from the Disulfide
***Sd* is positively charged due to the extra bond occured by the thiolate
***The R group attached to the Sd* is kicked out
***Because it is a “two step reversible process” it sounds like an SN1-ish reaction
**Creating one of the thiolates to be attached to the Disulfide kicking out one of its respective R groups *5)Disulfide is formed by the nucleophilic attack of the other thiolate to the closer disulfide S

====Additional Information:====
*[ Wikipedia]
*[ Harvard]
*[ quote taken from article Bulaj's Formation of disulfide bonds in proteins and peptides] ]]