Monday, August 12, 2013



  • Happy Schrodinger's Birthday. You mad bro?  - 2013 AUG12
  • 23 editions later and a glaring mistake in p51 was officially missed by a few weeks; sorry but chuck doesnt get a gift cert. 2013 AUG
  • The starved cat but crazy hella bad note, gigfiz, so very true, you guys rock, belated xmas but best, symmetric release, genius. PS Shoes wont fail. - 2013 8 AUG
  • Hella-Dans atypical migration blazes an eerie path. - 2013 JUN
  • In their respective different stages - as the powerfully super size each other up and accumulate the necessary but colorful resources - who will be the sole victor in this exchange amidst a sea of red, black and metal? - 2013 FEB
  • Let the silent proliferation begin. - 2012 DEC
  • Carry your life as a state function from chemistry but beware, simple social competitive and inevitable mathematics will restate your function. Transactions from transactionalists will always create a debt. - 2012 AUG
  • When there is a public service announcement on how to survive domestic terrorism (Run, Hide, Fight), it makes you wonder how the spangle lost its sheen. - 2012 JUL
  • For those that seem to have forgotten, do not assume that intelligence reflects moral character. That is why there are law enforcement, academic watchdogs, lie/misstatement trackers, and other monitoring entities. - 2012 JUL
  • In this day and age, one man's prosperity is another village's oppression; is this really something novel? - 2012 JUL
  • Today's subtle empires rising and falling cannot be determined instantly as it was in the past of receding lines drawn on the earth or the clear victors. In times of peace other metrics must be used unless of course we continue to offend other groups, then the rest we know is history. - 2012 JUL
  • Endlessly distracted, how far of a precarious situation must we let things develop until we unite. As it has been said, it will take 4: the resilient microscopic mobilize, social wars corrupting/distorting/reprogramming human societies, the landscape shifting as it reduces our chances, all as we enjoy the blinding spectacle leading to the ironic insidious inevitable; breathlessly awaiting the victor. The very things we take for granted and adulterate will consume us as we marvel at our own hubris. Ashamed. - 2012 JUNE
  • "Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem"?, misguided cries to destroy the very intertwined trinity of human religion: Catholicism, Judaism, and Islam. Why do we have to exert our will onto others in such an intolerant manner? Such close backgrounds and yet three diverging and entrenched interpretations just like three children, all of the same blood but expressing the young, middle, and eldest tendencies; craving parental attention. - 2012 JUNE
  • An ironic function of life is how inversely related the time of anabolism versus catabolism is: as intricate steps of glycolytic/CAC phosphorylations, specificity, delta G, reversibility, enzymes, diffusion into organelles structure and redox reactions can be easily burned by a simple process. - 2012 MAY
  • “[Forget Pavlov,] I realized dogs can be trained to jump out of airplanes and helicopters (from the U.S. military’s mission to kill Osama bin Laden). We can certainly train them to go into an MRI so we can see what they’re thinking” – Gregory S. Berns
  • Fortunately, I don't need an MRI to see what this is what a positivist “scientist” is really thinking after combining MRIs, a small sample of 2 dogs, generalizations, an easy premise, validate a few articles, sprinkle some ethnocentrism and spend more time training animal participants than research: the worst scientific dog and pony show to date. - 2012 MAY
  • Money is the enzyme of life: with enough concentrations, it can lower the activation energy/increase opportunities of a reaction/life event but there are moments where a greater concentration of enzyme is meaningless. Enzymes are merely mindless transactional tools but reflect a higher function. - 2012 APR
  • The "brain drain" destroys the world as the best and brightest that are attracted to one location, meaning the brightest minds of each nation that are recruited are subjugated and reprogrammed to become one of the herd and promote further draining. How many do you know that come back? Aliens alienating their roots, their culture, their substance, to be presented as a sacrifice to become aliens in a nation that has long perfected the use of alien techniques and proudly alienates itself from other nations of the world but in reality are destroying more in longer spans: there is nothing smart about this "brain drain". Immigration is the oldest form of civil warfare. - 2012 JAN
  • Given the reality of finances, let me be the first to put regulations on politicians as if it were a team/club: campaign budgets should be capped (factoring inflation and the country's best interest/country's debt/GDP) like any other club's budget, renovate system for third party/free agents/lobbyist interaction with a NCAA-like powerful watchdogs to police corrupt activity, PACs should be limited numerically and their budgets should be practically capped in relation to the capped campaign budget capped (factoring inflation) or disbanded (preferably) - an inflated booster/teamster influence is redundant and wasted money compared to volunteer face to face interaction or social media, standardized tests should be administered to future political leaders Political Achievement Test (PAT) to cultivate a combination of IQ/insight/vision/values/skill sets/problem solving warranted to serve the people proficiently - what other powerful profession do you know in this day in age without a standardized test to weed out people (business, health, law, military and etc): if you are given the power, you better have the level head to use it PERIOD, respectful competition where personal fouls/"mud-slinging" should be legally accountable - its one thing to dig proof of hypocrisy but slander has effects on a career - where NEUTRAL referees/mediators should be in place to police childish antics to keep the game clean, politicians should not be able to quote each other as evidence for a meaningful issue and must turn only to specialized peer reviewed experts to get a consensus among experts as evidence for an issue, lastly, a creation of a rule book to govern how politicians should act when campaigning or working to cultivate teamwork and outline sanctions or suspensions for rule breakers. - 2012 JAN
  • They say that money is the root of all evil and some infer it to be the mark of the beast. Aside from gravity or death, nothing in this world has as much of an impact on the human race. While we need it to survive for society's transactions, its influence on individuals/people/society/humanity as we try to aspire/corrupt/control/escape given our current financial situation. It is so powerful that it transcends age/education/sex/religion/cultures/values/history/achievements/emotions and settles things in a simple numerical logic of whether you have enough or not. Remember that no matter how much money one accumulates, it has no reflection on the type of life you lived, the lives/people/societies you have impeded/destroyed/unraveled/oppressed because transactions are an equilibrium; for every accumulation, will be an equal deficit. Who will be the next Gaddafi pinata/example/sacrifice to this beastly and idolatrous system because it will truly be the infamous/prophesied mark of the beast humanity will all pay for. - 2012 JAN
  • Now that people have "awaken" it is time to act morally from the slumber, catch up, create solutions and not vacation camping in the cities or we will all remain the underestimated 99% that they have calculated on doing nothing productive together because we don't know how to (its been too long, we are too stratified, we are too self involved). Lets not turn this into a social Brumaire. FYI: it is the 99th percentile individual or groups and the competitive influence it has on others aspiring to dethrone and replace (this one's free for all). - 2011 OCT
  • Civil action potentials cannot be disobeyed. Depolarization, hyperpolarizaiton, refractory periods: the biology of finances. When will this message get to the neurons? You can bank on it coming because it is an all-or-nothing process. - 2011 OCT
  • Tolerance to rejection is an art. - 2011 SEP
  • As time goes by, words and thoughts will have been discovered, stated/quoted, re-discovered, and restated, rinse and repeat. But did we learn anything; by the time we get there, what will be left? - 2011 AUG
  • You are only as human as the principles you follow. - 2011 AUG
  • Funny irony is when the hubris blinds the palpable, then you wonder, how long have I known? Ychec et mat. - 2011 JUL
  • Deliberate misinterpretations from mass media/groups of people should be libel; freedom of speech does not mean freedom of deluding fallacies. - 2011 JUL
  • Temporarily forgetting the instances can help accomplish personal short term goals, temporarily forgetting history disregards the existence of generation upon generation's social goals. - 2011 JUL
  • A-contingent technology spoils our character. - 2011 JUL
  • Something once original - if appealing - will become popular and repeated. Imitation becomes mimicry of the original and the original cannot give its essence to all the imitators. Finally, counterfeits become the norm; scorning, adulterating and destroying the original idea that gave rise to it. - 2011 JUL
  • Individually, we are a consumptive species. This fact is shown in what we create, what we think, and how we act. Together, when its all done, what will you perpetuate? - 2011 JUL
  • To simply win the argument/debate/position/cause/etc. is a reckless priority. You win but at what cost; what contingency is considered when people just care of winning and unintended consequences arise but yet you won. Is it worth celebrating? - 2011 JUL
  • We are becoming a culture of sensitive positivism and intolerant of perceived negativity as we hide or spin human blemishes and try to aspire pseudo-perfection. Look at rises plastic surgery which virus-ly infecting one gender and permeating male insecurities; look at the logic defying new rhetoric of politics; look at business of covetous bearish and speculatory subcultures. Of all things that are plastic in human behavior, we are becoming focused on semantics and losing touch. As the FBI and Sociology shows, those that try harder to act perfect, are motivated by overcompensating for something more severe. But then again we are becoming more sensitive to what are practically minor things; this competitive culture full of cavils is dulling our senses. - 2011 JUN
  • It has been said that the word of a person is their honor, when hypocrisy and irrational thinking is the common motif from leaders of the future, just exactly where are we headed? Are we losing the acumen to select leaders? Is this "empire" set to fall? How is it that in certain pockets of our life (like politics) we are able to tolerate, allow and perpetuate idiocy from people with significant influence in our societies yet in personal issues we are masters of our own future where few people's opinion matters? Why do we allow ourselves to be sabotaged? - 2011 JUN
  • As competition narrows the differences in ability, the only true difference becomes personal. - 2011 MAY
  • As the old saying goes "if you can't beat em, join em." Hope I can remember who I was, I hate reverting. But then again being a bitter Hugh Everett is not the way to go. - 2011 MAY
  • Competition is a continuum of progression and resentment. Some praise only the select few successful, leaving resentment to the rest. It creates an environment and mentality that is acidic to society. Competition can be seen in sports but as the lights go out, the whistle blows, time runs out, there IS a life afterwards. Life isn't all about competition but as people start to focus on inevitability of labels ("winner" and "loser"), desperation, frustration, anger sets in. It is easy to forget. Composure leads to honor. Live an honorable life. - 2011 MAY
  • Call me 'idealistic' but without a contrast to an idea, process, a way of living, or whatever, how can you make an informed choice: is this something you want to do or following what others are simply doing? - 2011 APR
  • Sadly, "uniqueness" is nothing more than a myth for fools as numeric appraisal becomes the one and only truth to their eyes. There IS no "well rounded" (just another lie) because you have to numerically fit in to get in regardless of experience or interest - while some are more warranted than others. As further criteria, constraints, limits are created and narrowed; statistically, this creates groups of people all thinking alike. In a field where ideas are homogenous, where are the nay-sayers, where is the resistance to this one direction movement, where are the impactful discoveries? Who is truly foolish? It’s funny how lives are objectified into numbers: practice/conditioning becomes reality. - 2011 MAR
  • As people acrue the same knowledge in any certain field (not personal information), there will be some that wish to further and challenge this knowledge. It has the potential to benefit everyone. The products of this process will eventually create refinements, discoveries and innovation. Knowledge should not be exclusive to the select few, but be given the opportunity to those that seek it as long as intent is not evil. - 2011 MAR
  • Anonymity will be a figment of people's imagination when technology and a relentless human thirst for personal information continues. When will an anti-social-network movement come; will people "Like" that? - 2011 MAR
  • The complex sophistication of boxing is how people approach fighting. Against larger and stronger adversity, ironically you step into the punishment. It seems unintuitive but those who give room to power and back off will pay to its full force. Life is such: if you have aspirations and dreams, faced with adversity, you don't back off, you don't give room to let the power and pressures buckle your knees. In title matches, cheap shots during clinches, and theatrics won't work: the score cards don't lie, sorry Matthew Hatton. - 2011 MAR
  • Call me childish/naive because of some beliefs/values but who says that adults have to do everything that typical adults do; don't forget that adults can act like the biggest children. So lets get rid of these worthless labels because people are talking past each other. Being an adult does not mean shirking fundamental beliefs you learned as a kid. - 2011 MAR
  • There is no doubt the mind is a powerful thing. For example, take something that you find unimportant or insignificant (math,science,whatever). Now consider the idea that we can learn through different methods and that explanations to things we observe are interconnected through different fields (obviously some more than others): look at MIT's new push for scientific "convergence". How much are you actually limiting your mind? Lets face it, we are all guilty of it because it is easier to judge something as unimportant than to actually listen and understand. I for one am guilty of casting aside the importance or losing focus when reading literature on art, astronomy, history, and other related fields, which showed in my MCAT verbal reading. Knowing this, will I let myself this stop me? Well, that's another thought. - 2011 FEB
  • As dark as this may sound - when people explicitly try to show you aren't worthy, you take that negativity and make a pact with yourself that YOU WILL positively reject their ideas to show them it’s possible - this maybe revenge to some, but this is me; I will not allow the help given to me be squandered. - 2011 FEB
  • No matter how long it takes, its getting done be it in another state to another country free from regrets. Such a tree of selfishness will bear selfless fruit someday. - 2011 JAN
  • If you want to do what you want, you will have to pay for it one way or another. - 2011 JAN
  • They say it is more likely for people in emergencies to pass away moments before their rescue, as opposed to moments of enduring. Two words: keep fighting. - 2011 JAN
  • When life is devoid of happiness, we create happiness to endure the surroundings. When life is full of happiness, we antagonize to reduce the happiness. Equilibrium: the chemistry of people, the 'endo-social' & the 'exo-social' reactions, and colligative properties of life. - 2010 DEC
  • Intelligence IS NOT specializing in an aspect of knowledge and being blind or neglectful of other fields of study: that's pride. But then again, there is nothing to be proud of stratified and mediocre amount of knowledge. Specialists are invaluable to any field, don't let this sense of value blind you. - 2010 OCT
  • It is one thing to be a critical thinker but it is another thing to be a critical solver. Powerless and uninfluential thoughts bring no justice to the world. It is easy to find faults in something but can they posit effective means to solve a problem. - 2010 OCT
  • In a “world map” of humanity's knowledge, a person's experience is the most accurate map however it only encompasses discrete and incomplete parts to the entirety. Finding the borders/limits of a map (the extremes of a ANY situation) brings a better understanding. The “map” can never be complete when extremes are always being changed: it is the holy grail of knowledge. – 2010 SEP
  • The derivatives of individual power are Passion, Discipline, Strength, Awareness: Passion is the mental driving force, Discipline is the methodology, Strength is the physical resilience, Awareness acknowledges deficiencies and limits for future growth and Power results from all mentioned. Power is the force that overcomes complex obstacles - the jump over a hurdle, the energy greater than the activation energy - but remember to use the power to create social good. We live with other individuals in this world and the world cannot revolve around one. What is a world that is dismantled generation after generation? - 2010 AUG
  • Instead of taking time to daydream the possibilities, use that time to make the dreams a reality because in a lifetime, hesitations and wasted time adds up: such time leads to regrets, so live a life free of regrets. - 2010 JUL
  • Everything is temporary: an aspiration is the thread that needles moments together, support is the spinning process of the threads, experience is the weaving of threads together and perseverance makes the cloth impervious. However, finding the needle is the challenge. Try to savor everything because you too are temporary. - 2010 MAY
  • Wisigent (adjective): having the wisdom to diligently apply expertise in one aspect of life into another; having the awareness that the assumed discrete concepts in life are actually interrelated; being able to consistently think outside "the box" or norm. – 2010 FEB
  • Three laws of humanity: learn to protect, learn to know when the moment is right, and always be insightfully moral. – 2010 FEB
  • Three laws of success: hard work, “wisigence” or self awareness (wisdom & intelligence) and discipline. – 2010 FEB
  • The collective immoralities of humanity brings down society and our existence: do you truly now what is immoral? – 2010 FEB
  • The incapable group together to become capable but this union is a crutch to each individual respectively. It depends on the goal: is it simply to attain a grade or is it to further discoveries? – 2010 FEB
  • Help, like love is something that has to be learned continuously while pride, like competition can impede or cloud it. – 2010 FEB
  • Humanity can be intelligent & wise; with each fall you must learn and adapt or the next fall will be greater. – 2010 FEB
  • The human paradox; the silliest thing about humanity is our intelligence. Some areas of humanity has progressed and advanced while other areas are still primitive and archaic. If we were advanced in everything, we would be perfect; but the ironic beauty is that we are imperfect. We are human. – 2010 FEB
  • The width of the mindedness is inversely related to the height of the fall. – 2009 NOV
  • Karma is society’s way of balancing the unbalanced. – 2009 SEP
  • Desperate situations show the true animal within: don’t be a parasite. – 2009 SEP
  • One woman’s “creep” is yet another step to loneliness. – 2009 SEP
  • Hubris like STDs is a gift that keeps on giving. – 2009 SEP
  • The ambitious must tolerate the loneliness that comes with achieving. – 2009 SEP
  • Many escape, few endure, that's why its a sacrifice. - 2009 JUN
  • If misery loves company, its funny how triumph loves solitude. - 2009 JUN
  • Some souls are destined for isolation - 2009 JUN
  • Lessons from text books are insignificant compared to lessons without definite answers. - 2009 MAR
  • Routine is a source of solace and insanity. - 2009 MAR
  • An individual's pursuit deemed important is selfish because he/she must ultimately reconcile with the repercussions. - 2009 JAN
  • Moments impact. - 2008 NOV
  • A person's first asylum is found between the ears; the source of refuge or torment. - 2008 NOV
  • The hardest adaptation to life is challenging routine and money. - 2008 NOV
  • The very nature of individuals as self preserving animals is the basis behind society's downfall. - 2008 NOV
  • Solitude is the basis of vital preparation. - 2008 NOV
  • What do you do when you live by the rules and the rules change? - 2008 OCT
  • Everyone will have a peak and decline. How does one handle this fact: there will always be someone better than you? - 2008 SEP
  • Complacency, laziness and jealousy are worthless conditions that lead nowhere. - 2008 SEP
  • Trust is neither earned nor taken, its like writing a check: it all depends on your budget and for and how much. - 2008 AUG
  • What deranged priorities and perceptions of success people have. People that spend their lives to better society seem meaningless compared to entertainment figures. - 2008 AUG
  • Naive as we are, there are limits to everything. Would you rather stay ignorantly naive or stubbornly defiant. - 2008 JUN
  • We are walking contradictions: being socially or personally preoccupied can harm one's well being. - 2008 JUN
  • The harshest disappointment comes from oneself. - 2008 JUN
  • It has been stated that insanity is repeating the same actions and expecting a different outcome. Are you insane or self-aware? - 2008 MAY
  • Quitting makes it easy for others to win. While winning isn't everything, your performance has consequences. - 2008 MAY
  • Ironically, in order to belong people must be excluded. - 2008 APR
  • A mind is mindless without guidance. - 2008 APR
  • Recognition and fame is pride's duplicitous wrath. - 2008 APR
  • Heroes or idols are for the weak, the strong surpass them: be strong, be your own hero. - 2008 APR
  • Never look back to the things that weigh you down. You can persevere but looking back will just cause you to loose a step. - 2008 APR
  • We are all "addicts" of something (beneficial or detrimental) whether we are conscious of it or not. - 2008 APR
  • We have been falling ever since birth, the measure of a person is their ability to regain balance. - 2008 MAR
  • Stress motivates growth: growth towards a purpose or a growth of a stressed appearance. - 2008 JAN
  • Happy holidays, may all those you hold dear keep you upright as you celebrate. - 2007 DEC
  • Sacrifice is a mix of regret and reward. - 2007 End of FALL
  • Focus on something important to you and drive towards it relentlessly. - 2007 Beg of FALL