Monday, August 12, 2013





  • No sensory receptors for pain in the cerebrum


  • responsible for highest level functioning in the NS
  • F1 - conscious thought, intelligence and reason
  • F2 - memory storage and processing
  • F3 - sub/conscious regulation of skeletal muscle contractions
  • F4 - discriminates pain and other tactile stimuli

Anatomy of Cerebrum (Hemispheres)

  • Right
  • Left
  • Corpus Callosum
  • Anterior Commissure
  • Longitudinal fissure - separates the first two ventricles


  • Frontal - voluntary motor control of skeletal muscles, personality, higher intellectual process (concentration, decision making, verbal communiation)
  • Parietal - somatesthetic interpretation, understanding speech and formulating words to express thoughts and emotions, interpretations of textures and shape
  • Temporal - interpretation of auditory sensations, storage of auditory and visual experience
    • Amygdala - located in the temporal lobe
      • F1 - involved in memory, emotion and fear
      • Just beneath the surface of the front medial part of the temporal lobe (uncus) - limbic system
    • Hippocampus - located in the temporal lobe
      • Basal medial part of the temporal lobe
      • F1 - learning and memory for converting STM to more LTM
      • F2 - recalling spatial relationships in the world about us
  • Occipital - integration of movements in focusing the eye
  • Central Sulcus
    • Anterior is the motor cortex
    • Posterior is the sensory/somatic cortex
  • Insula - memory, integration of other cerebral activities
    • Deep lobe of the cerebrum that cannot be viewed on the surface


  • Alpha Waves - relaxed awake but eyes are closed - occipital
    • 10-12 cycles/s
  • Beta Waves - experiencing visual and mental activity - precentral gyrus
    • 13-25 cycles/s
  • Theta Waves - relaxed awake, but emotional stress or nervous breakdown- temporal and occipital
    • 5-8 cycles/s
  • Delta Waves - asleep - central/ awake - brain damage
    • 1-5 cycles/s
Homunculus: (Wilder Penfield) - a schematic model of a human being mapped out on the sensory cortex
  • Largest number of cortical neurons found in the sensory cortex register sensation in the fingers, hands, lips and toungue
  • Largest number of motor cortex control individual movement of the fingers, hands, and speech
  • Premotor Cortex: controlls by an area just anterior to the motor cortex (association area)
    • F - plan specific movements that motor cortex executes


  • Central Sulcus: separates frontal and parietal lobes
