Monday, August 12, 2013



Autonomic Nervous System

Sympathetic Nervous System


  • Mass discharge of system
  • Thoracoculumnar portion of spinal cord preganglionic neurons
  • Ganglia are in a chain of paravetebral and prevertebral ganglia
  • Postganglionic neurons are throughout the body
  • High divergence - 1 pregang can activate 20 postgang
- "fight or flight" reading for stress INC blood flow to the heart and skeletal muscle DEC it to the GI tract and kidneys INC breathing rate, heart rate Ensures adequate supply of O2 to meet the demands of the contracting skeletal muscles Pupils DIALATE Pregangionlic PRI - ACh Causes the release from the adrenal medulla Postgangionic SEC - NE



The ganglia of the SNS is farther from the target organ vs PNS because of general stress reaction