Monday, August 12, 2013

Shnaptic Cleft

Synaptic Cleft


Synaptic Clef/Synapse

Types of Receptors:

  • Nicotinic ach
    • Responds to nicotine as an agonist and curare as antagonist
    • Nicotine: psychoactive alkaloid
      • Toxic, places stress on the heart and entire CVS - HOW?
        • PNS through the nicotinic receptors
          • Since there is a "stress added to the heart"
        • Additive
  • Muscarinic ach
    • Responds to muscarine as agonist and scopolamine as antagonist
UNSORTEDED We don't want transmission to continue indefinitely so there must be a way to remove the neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft Some are broken down by enzymatic reactions Some use reuptake carriers Some diffuse out of the area Difference btwn electical and chemcial transmission Neurons use both - allornothinc Chemical molecuels are used to pass messages in a modulated manner that depends on how much neutotransmitters is released Inhibit acetylcholinesterase - elevating synaptic levels of acetylcholine ====Terminology:==== Synapse: connection btwn two neurons Most synapses are chemical in nature using neurotransmitters to send messages Presynaptic terminal/neuron: Terminal before the synapse Postsynaptic terminal: Neuron receiving information through its dendrites Effector cell: signals sent by neurons that target a gland/muscle Neutrotransmitters: small molecules that send the messeges from one cell to the next Sorted in membrane bound vessicles Vessicles weight for AP to propagate down the axon and depolarize the terminal membrane