Monday, August 12, 2013
[[Membrane Proteins]]
==Proteins that are bound to the polar head groups of lipids==
=Peripheral Membrane Proteins=
*Can be influenced chemically
**Disrupted by adding salts
**Changing the pH of the membrane
*Prostaglandin H2 Synthase 1
*Converts arachodonic acid to prostaglandin H2
**Prostagalnding promotes inflammation and modulates gastric acid secretion
**Arachodonic acid is created by the hydrolysis of membrane lipids
*Arachodonic acid moves inside the hydrophilic core of the plasma membrane
**Between the polar heads
*Active site is inside the plasma membrane
''Clinical Applications''
*Asprin and ibuprofen block the channel and prevent the prostaglandin synthesis
**Reducing the inflammatory response
***HOW? Asprin donates a acetyl group to a serine residue to block the channel
====Additional Information:====