Monday, August 12, 2013


My Philosophy/Theory

Existential Approach

"Humans give the world meaning" - Loseke

I have found the meaning of life. After this statement, it is easy to be considered arrogant or pretentious, but I believe it is a valid thesis. Specifically, given what experience I have (compared to everyone else, small or large), my conclusion is that the meaning of life is KNOWING WHAT TO DO AT ANY SITUATION: our life - what we do while alive - gives validity to our life. It is to simply live.
If you know what to do at any given situation, life has become simple, easy, boring, and almost not worth living. If you know the right words to say, the right move to make, the right everything... then essentially you have become a perfect person; it is as if you are cheating life or not really ’living’ life. As this 'perfect person,' absolute control is within reach since the experience of billions of situations will allow you to anticipate logically what will most likely happen next.
But the truth is that we seldom know what to do and as the cliche goes, nobody’s perfect. We should strive for perfection aware that we can never attain it. It is within humanity's very being that limits us from perfection - we simply cannot experience everything in one lifetime to become this 'perfect person'.
What point in a person’s life do they realize epiphanies like "there has got to more to this," "never again," or "what the fuck was I doing?" You see it in people exhibiting behaviors past peer pressure, "second childhoods," or "midlife crises" and even the new social age definition of "30 being the new 20." Moments of growth, maturity, the realization of something more in one's life: a change in the direction of one's meaning of life.
Some may think negatively and take a sisyphean perspective that we live and eventually die but that does not give meaning to it. It only focuses on the inevitabilities of life which ultimately is negative (death). Life is all relative to what you want to focus on and the threshold of the individual, if you perceive things in terms of materialistic acheivements, then there will be a deficency socially: as social relationships always take time to build. If you perceive things in terms of social acheivements, then there will be a deficency materialstically. There will always be a deficiency somewhere because of our restraints on time. Lastly, given the focus, will the individual be able to deal with the reprecussions of said focus? Meaning, can you live with yourself with the choices you have made? Each individual can tolerate different levels of solitude, companionship, adversity, triump and etc. Eventually, there will be a point in which you will appraise yourself and regrets may accompany such reflection. It is important attempt to live a life without regret as long as it is moral.
That is the meaning of life, to annotate things in our head and get an idea of what to do at any situation: to learn, to love, to live, to... (insert preferred verb). If you don’t wanna go to jail: don’t break the laws that define when to go to jail; if you wanna go to grad school: study hard. We take whatever goals we have and apply ’what we know to do’ to try to accomplish them. Believe it or not people learn from others in various ways. The meaning of life is to learn to better one’s self through experiences - from participation to observation. Such a simple meaning and yet people get it twisted: that’s life for ya.

Methodology to Theory

There are street smarts and book smarts: practical and theoretical. To really live, people have to see and understand both sides of any situation in order to act. Understand both sides and refrain ignorance from either dynamic: to be a corner boy and a scholar. Balance is key. Discipline is the means. The Art of War are theories of conduct. However, theories go only so far in the practical world. Respect is the golden rule. This is truth, if you understand it then you are like me, broken and yet together, if you don’t, let not your ignorance be prejudice.


  • Not all quotes are moral as some are a testament to their actions and thought process but nevertheless they are good quotes when analyzed. The rest is up to your eisegesis if we see eye to eye.
"Arise, And reach to other worlds, Right Through the needle's eye, Come take your first look inside, Arise..." - Chevelle
"Obsession is a young [person's] game." - Cutter
“Do you realize what health care spending is as a percentage of the GDP in Israel? Eight percent. You spend eight percent of GDP on health care. You’re a pretty healthy nation… [we - meaning the United States -] spend 18 percent of our GDP on health care, 10 percentage points more. That gap, that 10 percent cost, compare that with the size of our military — our military which is 4 percent, 4 percent [of the GDP]. Our gap with Israel is 10 points of GDP. We have to find ways — not just to provide health care to more people, but to find ways to fund and manage our health care costs.” - Mit Romney
"It seems to me this man lacks information, knowledge, vision and understanding of this region and its people… [he] also lacks knowledge about the Israelis themselves. I have not heard any Israeli official speak about cultural superiority." - Saeb Erekat
"To err is human, to cover up is unforgivable, and to fail to learn is inexcusable." - Sir Liam Donald
"They said to keep trying but never lose that hope, Revolutionaries die, but the revolution don’t. And it won’t and I’m put that, on my momma. Cause when I grow up I wanna be just like Yuri Kochiyama.... Imma, serve the people proper," - Blue Scholars (TYP)
"Karma Police. I've given all I can; its not enough. I've given all I can; but we're still on the payroll. This is what you'll get, this is what you'll get, this is what you'll get when you mess with us." - Radiohead
"I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad… When people run in circles it’s a very, very mad world. Enlargen your world." - Michael Andrews
"I live in the hearts of millions." - Moammar Gaddafi
"Populations that are underrepresented in medical research should be provided appropriate access to participation in research." - Declaration of Helsinki (UADU)
"Its playing to people who don't recognize the reality of the world that we have to give our deficit under control in order to get back our ability to influence elements in the world. To say I'm going to build more military things doesn't help you do that." - Lawrence Korb
"They'll understand what we're doing -- understand we have a right to make a profit...We have the best bank in the world, we do a great job for our customers." - Brian Moynihan
"Its such a tired game... its such a crying, crying, crying, shame, shame, shame." - Jack Johnson
"Look at the hate we're breeding... the way they've always done before... my hands are tied." - Guns and Roses
"You cannot keep the status quo in place and call it anything other than a Ponzi scheme." - Gov. Rick Perry
"Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly contracting private sector physicians to conduct their studies...Physicians report diminishing income due to restrictive relationships with insurers and governmental agencies, ever increasing malpractice insurance premiums and inflated overhead costs to operate private practices. As a result, many physicians are attracted to pharmaceutical contract research because it is perceived as a lucrative field...The participating physicians instead involves following the instructions of the pharmaceutical companies...Thus, clinical research can no longer be said to be the domain of elite academic physicians but rather an activity in which private-practice physicians routinely engage." - Jill Fischer
"I do it for the money, man im such a hooker, and freedom was my girl, until they fucking took her." - Lil Wayne
"And if you feel just like a tourist in a ["city"] then its time to go, and define your destination theres so many different places to call home." - Death Cab For Cutie
"Next week, we eat a blood clott. Ne.. What? (Thats a good one) Ok. Next time we eat sound effects." - Epic Mealtime (Candy Pizza)
"God can be so hilarious..." - Regina Spektor
"There are certain lines you can't cross, no matter who you are what you are doing or where you come from" - Wladimir Klitschko
"Some problems are beyond our power to solve" - Gov. Rick Perry
"I want to earn it every single day" - Tom Brady
"Any ad which quotes what I said Sunday is a falsehood" - Rep. Newt Gingrich
“The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has concluded that the tax rates needed to sustain the nation’s current fiscal trajectory into the future would end up sinking the economy.2
  • 2) Congressional Budget Office. Letter to Congressman Paul D. Ryan. May 2008.” - Rep. Ryan 2011
"Toxic mix of increased spending and more regulation" - Rep. Ryan
"Repeals the job-destorying health care law (Path to Prosperity vs President's FY2012 Budget) [while the later] accelerates the job-destroying health care law" - Rep. Ryan
"Chance favors the prepared mind" - Louis Pasteur
"No one wants to learn by mistakes, but we cannot learn enough from success to go beyond the state of the art... Such is the nature not only of science and engineering, but of all human endeavors." - Henry Petroski
"Experiences isn't what happens to you. It's what you make out of what happens to you." - Alduous Huxley
"Both (Petroski and Huxley) quotes imply that existance, mistakes, information, and life itself are closely related. Life and uncertainty appear to be inseperable. Only those who are no longer living can escape chance happenings. Mistakes are bound to occur. However, not all mistakes are bad... Most of the really important decisions in life will involve incomplete information. In one lifetime, we simply cannot experience everything. Nor should we even want to! This is one reason why experience by way of sampling is so important. Statistics help you have the experiences and yet maintain some control over mistakes. Remember, it is what you make out of experience (sample data) that is of real value." - Understanding Statistics
"Explain how they (corporate CEOs) behave if their parents didn't really love them" - Good German
"Get used to getting used. To use someone is necessary. What's negative is to misuse, overuse or abuse somebody. To use is necessary. If you can't get used, then you're useless. That really came from my entrepreneurial journey." - Kanye West
“I have mother’s dreams, I have my father’s eyes, you can’t take that from me, just go ahead and try.” – Rise Against
"There are two sons, [one] an optimist, one a pessimist. And the father is trying to teach them to round themselves out, to seee how others think. he takes the pessimist, and locks him in a room full of brand-new toys. He says, 'I want to teach you ta leson. These are all yours to play with. I'll be back in an hour and we're going to talk.' Then he takes the optimist, and locks him in a room full of horse poop. He says, 'Stay here for an hour, and then we'll talk. I want you to think about what you see in here.' An hour passes. He comes back and unlocks the door with all the toys. The pessimist is sitting in the middle of the room, crying his eyes out. The father says, 'What's wrong with you?' And the boy says, ' I just know if I touch one of these toys it's going to break!' Then he goes to the optimist and opens the door. And the son's jumping up and down in horse poop, giggling and screaming. The father says, 'What's wrong with you? You're in a room full of hourse poop! How can you be so happy?' And the boy says, 'Dad, I just know there's got to be a pony in here somwhere.'... I don't know what's getting at you. But take my advice: just look for the pony." - Bailey Riding The Bus With My Sister
"I have nothing to give but blood, toil, tears and sweat." - Winston Churchill
"Grace under fire" - Ernest Hemingway
"Celebrated people lose dignity upon a closer view." - Napoleon Bonaparte
"When a patient in agony cries, Then a doctor’s true calling implies. Once you do what is best, At the patient’s request, For you mean quick and painless demise.” - Dr Jack Kevorkian (YDKJ)
"I can't dislike you, but I will say this to you: you haven't got long before you are all going to kill yourselves, because you are all crazy. And you can project it back at me, but I am only what lives inside each and every one of you." - Charles Manson
"Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice." - Adolf Hitler
"We need men or women that can dream of things that never were." - John F Kennedy
"This is the lesson: never give in, never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." - Winston Churchill
"You learn by being frustrated." - Professor Teresa Eckart
"In other words, they were counting on amnesia... We had a different strategy: let's fix the problem..." - President Obama
"[One who] has not learned the first lesson of life who does not everyday surmount a fear" - Petersons MCAT Sample Essay Part 2 Exam 1
"The key to failure is to try to please everyone" - Petersons MCAT Sample Essay Part 2 Exam 3
"Person’s ambition is shaped by the need to please demanding parents." - Hewit and Shulman
"American culture that emphasizes competitive individual achievement, we ruthlessly compare our own activities and accomplishments to what other people have done." – Hewit and Shulman; Self and Society. p89
"Human conduct is social and cannot be explained merely as the result of idio-syncratic individual efforts." - Hewitt and Shulman
"Sometimes, individuals know how happy they ought to be and know they are not, and discover they never can be, no matter what therapy they are given." - Hewitt and Shulman
"Reality matters more than perception" - Neel Kashkari
"By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell -- and hell heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed" - Adolf Hitler
“To the extent that provides him a subculture and identity, a man’s work is a good clue as any to the course of his life and to his social being and identity.” – Everett Hughes
"If you're not looking up you're looking down" - Paul Pierce
"Success isn't bestowed; it's chased, and the hungriest catch it." - Jason Feifer
"The collective voice of care is often a lonely one." - Professor Friedman and Marixsa Alicea
"Some people are [complacent] until something jumps up and bites them." - Caroll Swain
"Constancy of the internal environment is the condition for free life." - Claude Bernard
"Human societies could be ranked on a scale of homeostasis - self regulatory and internally constant societies being inherently superior to others." - Walter Cannon
"Do great things." - SDS 'Squidworth'
"Train how you fight." - ARMY MOTTO
"What the ham-sandwich Prih!?" - DS ?
"Talk is cheap." - Basic Delta "Dog" Battery: 2nd Platoon Warriors MOTTO
"What separates an exceptional (ivy league) students from regular students is their approach at maximizing their resources." - Professor Wei Chen
"Consistency is a refuge for a weaker mind." - Professor Milton Johnston
"No matter how much you think you love somebody, you’ll step back when the pool of their blood edges up too close." - Chuck Palahniuk
"The personal life of every individual is based on secrecy, and perhaps it is partly for that reason that civilized man is so nervously anxious that personal privacy should be respected." - Anton Chekhov
"What it mean to be D.O.W.N., is your homie still down when its trouble you in, you want to have a good time - make it hot - when the pigs come down, where the fuck where you then?" - Dead Prez
"I want to get a flat, I know I can afford it, its just the bureaucrats that won’t give me a mortgage, it’s very funny cuz I got your fucking money, and I’m never gonna get it because of my bad credit" - Lily Allen
"At first when I see you cry, it makes me smile - yeah, it makes me smile." - Lily Allen
"Always remember that others may hate you but those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself." - Richard Nixon
"Greatness begets greatness."
"Everyone’s always got something to say, will your words have substance when people hear it?"
"Its the people out there not smiling that really need the help because they cannot even put on a front."
"Don’t let the grind bring you down."

This is dedicated to family, friends, future kids, minds that want to learn, anyone just genuinely curious, those without the means (family by nation, I got you RPI): learn at your OWN pace but just keep learning. Simple mantra: don't hate, innovate. I don't have to do any of this, yet I did. This was partly to honor the people that helped me keep thinking, partly for me, partly for a lot of things - that doesn't matter to you: it shouldn't, you don't have to know everything. Didn't have these resources when I was younger but I was inquisitive, so just spent a lot of time doing typical 90s kid mischeif so im playing catch-up. I could only wonder what the future brains can do after they soak up things that usually has a price tag and took a lifetime to learn. Respect the number of human lives (beyond human hours) that have been spent to be able to understand what we do NOW. Hopefully the organization and explanations help out.
And for those spawned/programmed/bred through a certain method of instruction to be an abrasive yet insecure, passive-aggressive, and antisocially competitive: although THIS IS NOT MEANT FOR YOU, I AM YOUR COMPETITION, be better than me in every shape and form. I'll be the bad guy - though I have not lifted a finger of malice towards you: despise me, envy me, antagonize me. There is no doubt you have Googled my name for your convoluted personal reasons of entertainment and comparison. I will offer you some time to feel good about yourself:

Enjoy this moment.
Laugh it up.
Feel proud of YOUrself.

But this is my gift to you to feed YOUr version of transparency: congratulations, YOU know me now - apparently my years on this earth can be summed up by a few lines - cue prejudices. I have encountered many like YOU: I know how YOU smell, YOUr behavior, mannerisms and techniques. For the good of society, be better than me in every aspect so that people can benefit off YOUr unquenchable thirst of status, attention, and antagonism. Beware, because you may feel as though YOU won, - congratulations, celebrate, bake a cake, throw a party - but YOUr prideful complacency is always your inherent downfall: I will catch up, I will - as so many of YOU like to view things - “make YOU look bad”. If not me, someone like me: there will always be another.

Oh no!
Look around.
Who could it be?

If that’s the way YOU SEE ME, then these are the roles we will exhibit, these are the games we will play, this is the dance we dance, then its check mate.