Clinical Chemistry
These are notes from Bishop, Fody, and Schoeff's "Clinical Chemistry" 6th edition. Hope this helps. This by no means justifies that I am an expert at the material, and by no means replaces the text book or the course.Home Intersection

Chapter 1: Basic Principles and Practices
Chapter 1Chapter 2: Phlebotomy and Specimen Consideration
Chapter 3: Laboratory Safety and Regulations
Chapter 4: Method Evaluation and Quality Mangement
Chapter 4Chapter 5: Analytical Techniques
Chapter 5Chapter 6: Principles of Clinical Chemistry Automation
Chapter 6Chapter 7: Immunoassays
Chapter 7Chapter 8: Molecular Theory and Techniques
Chapter 9: Point Care Testing
Chapter 10: Amino Acids and Proteins
Chapter 10Chapter 11: Nonprotein Nitrogen Compounds
Chapter 11Chapter 12: Enzymes
Chapter 12Chapter 13: Carbohydrates
Chapter 14: Lipids and Lipoprotiens
Chapter 14Chapter 15: Electrolytes
Chapter 15Chapter 16: Blood Gases, pH and Buffer Systems
Chapter 16Chapter 17: Trace Elements
Chapter 18: Porphyrins and Hemoglobin
Chapter 18Chapter 19: Introduciton of Hormones and Pituitary Function
Chapter 20: Adrenal Function
Chapter 21: Gonadal Function
Chapter 22: The Thyroid Gland
Chapter 23: Calcium Homeostasis and Hormonal Regulation
Chapter 24: Liver Function
Chapter 24Chapter 25: Cardiac Function
Chapter 26: Renal Function
Chapter 27: Pancreatic Funciton and Gastrointestinal Function
Chapter 28: Body Fluid Analysis
Chapter 29: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Chapter 30: Toxicology
Chapter 31: Circulating Tumor Markers: Bacid Concepts and Clincal Applications
Chapter 32: Nutriontal Assessment
Chapter 33: Clincal Chemistry and the Geriatric Patient
Chapter 34: Clinical Chemistry and the Pediatric Patient
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