Purpose:- removal of gall bladder
- Cholelithiasis - common
- Cholecystisis - common
- Cholangiocarcinoma
- Open Cholecystectomy
- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - AKA "Lap Chole"
MiscBack Table/Mayo Laproscopic Instruments
- Suction
- Scissors
- Cautorizer
- Grasper
- Bag
- Stapler
- 1)Patient prep:
- Region: Umbilicus with Prep Fluid
- 2)Draping
- 3)Incision line marked
- 4)Incision line with scalpel (preference #11/#15)
- 5)Pneumoperitoneum is established w/ veres needle
- a)2X silk sutures
- Hemostat weighted
- a)2X silk sutures
- 6)Trocars as advanced
- Bladed or Non Bladed
- 7)Visual inspection of cavity and preparation -
- abnormalities
- locate gall bladder
- 8)Laproscopic manipulation - clearing and traction on liver
- 9)Arteries and ducts are exposed carefully but bluntly
- Cholangiogram maybe utilized
- 10)Trinity of staples applied to arteries and ducts
- two from source one from organ
- 11)Vessel/duct is cut in between the three staples
- 12)Gall bladder is freed from the liver
- Optional bag utilized
- Excess contents suctioned
- 14)Gall bladder removed
- 15)Laproscopic breakdown and pneumoperitoneum breakdown
- 16)Incisions are sutured
- Largest port #0, with #2-0
- 17)Breakdown (Surgical area, sterile and nonsterile instrumentation is done in a concerted process)
- Surgical Area Breakdown while Finalizing Incisions:
- Sterile Instrument Breakdown:
- 19)Surgery is Finalized
- 20)Patient wakes up (missing a gall bladder)- FINI :O