Cellular Metabolism
These are notes from Tymoczko, Berg, and Stryer's book "Biochemistry: A Short Course." Hope this helps. This by no means justifies that I am an expert at the material, and by no means replaces the text book or the course.Home Intersection

Chapter 1: Biochemistry and the Unity of Life
Chapter 1Chapter 2: Water, Weak Bonds, and the Generation of Order Out of Chaos
Chapter 2 WaterChapter 3: Amino Acids
Chapter 3&4 ProteinsChapter 4: Protein Three Dimensional Structure
Chapter 3&4 ProtiensChapter 5: Basic Concepts of Enzyme Action
Chapter 5&6 Chapter 5 Supplemental EnzymesChapter 6: Kinetics and Regulation
Chapter 5&6 Chapter 6&7 EnzymesChapter 7: Mechanisms and Inhibitors
Chapter 6&7 EnzymesChapter 8: Hemoglobin, an Allosteric Protein
Chapter 8 Notes - no lecture for thisChapter 9: Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates - no lecture for this see BiomoleculesChapter 10: Lipids
Lipids - no lecture for this see BiomoleculesChapter 11: Membrane Structure and Function
Cell Membrane - no lecture for this, book notesChapter 12: Signal Transduction Pathways
Chapter 12 Signal TransductionChapter 13: Basic Principles and Practices
Chapter 13&14Chapter 14: Metabolism: Basic Concepts and Design
Chapter 13&14 Cell MetabolismChapter 15: Glycolysis
Chapter 15&16 GlycolysisChapter 16: Gluconeogenesis
Chapter 15&16 GluconeogenesisChapter 17: Preparation for the TCA Cycle
Chapter 17&18 Citric Acid CycleChapter 18: Harvesting Electrons from the TCA Cycle
Chapter 17&18 Citric Acid CycleChapter 19: The Electron Transport Chain
Chapter 19&20 Electron Transport ChainChapter 20: The Proton Motive Force
Chapter 19&20 Electron Transport ChainChapter 21: The Light Reactions
NOT coveredChapter 22: The Calvin Cycle
NOT coveredChapter 23: Glycogen Degradation
Chapter 23&24 GlycogenChapter 24: Glycogen Synthesis
Chapter 23&24 Glycogen, GluconeogenesisChapter 25: The Pentose Phosphate Pathway
Chapter 25 Pentose Phosphate PathwayChapter 26: Fatty Acid Degradation
Chapter 26&27Chapter 27: Fatty Acid Synthesis
Chapter 26&27Chapter 28: Lipid Synthesis: Storage Lipids, Phospholipids and Cholesterol
Chapter 28Chapter 29: Amino Acid Synthesis
Chapter 29&30Chapter 30: Nucleotide Metabolism
Chapter 29&30Chapter 31: Amino Acid Degradation and the Urea Cycle
Chapter 31Chapter 32: The Structure of Informational Macromolecules: DNA and RNA
Genetics - sorry comming soonChapter 33: DNA Replication
Genetics - sorry comming soonChapter 34: DNA Repair and Recombination
Genetics - sorry comming soonChapter 35: RNA Synthesis and Regulation in Prokaryotes
Genetics - sorry comming soonChapter 36: Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
Genetics - sorry comming soonChapter 37: RNA Processing in Eukaryotes
Genetics - sorry comming soonChapter 38: The Genetic Code
Genetics - sorry comming soonChapter 39: The Mechism of Protein Synthesis
Genetics - sorry comming soonDevlin CH21: Iron and Heme Synthesis
Devlin - IronDevlin CH24: Exotics - Eye and Blood Coagulation
Devlin - ExoticsSupplemental
Personal Mental Notes:
- Cysteine is OXIDIZED to produce sulfide bonds
- Why, oxidation is a loss of elelctrons
- Cysteine is AAbackbone-CH2-S-H
- Meaning that when the two Cysteines get in close proximity, they will both lose an electron to form a disulfide bond
- Mitochondria PRODUCE HEME
- 7TM has a biological function of CELL DIFFERENTIATION
- Triose phosphate isomerase is REVERSIBLE
- Pep hydrolysis - last 1/3 of glycolysis
- Cholera - what is interaction in Gprotiens
- GLC in liver - specifics
- Bicarbonate
- dG = dG' + RTln[EQ] where RT ~ .616
- Argininosuccinate Synthetase Def = BENIGN
- Even though it is a N metabolism ENZ and that disfuntions in N metabolism produce toxic effects, this is one a few exceptions
- While it does create a step that is part of the Urea Cycle, (Argininosuccinate) to make arginine, Arginine is an AA in the cytosol (received from diet) and not a necessary to be synthesized via the cycle when Arg can be brought in from the extracellular environment
- Even though it is a N metabolism ENZ and that disfuntions in N metabolism produce toxic effects, this is one a few exceptions