Monday, August 12, 2013

Animal Physiology

Bear With Me - This was part of the information lost and will cost a pretty penny to get, or take time to redo

  • Will slowly reread, as it will cost $500 at least to harvest my external drive D; for the power points

Animal Physiology


These are notes from Richard W. Hill, Gordon A. Wyse and Margaret Anderson's "Animal Physiology" and notes from a professor. Hope this helps. This by no means justifies that I am an expert at the material, and by no means replaces the text book or the course.
Home Intersection
R.Hill_APhys.jpgISBN:0878933174. Published by Sinauer Associates.

Chapter 1: Animals and Environments: Function on the Ecological Stage

Chapter 2: Molecules and Cells in Animal Physiology

Chapter 3: Genomics, Proteomics and Related Approaches to Physiology

Chapter 4: Transport of Solutes and Water

Chapter 5: Nutrition, Feeding, and Digestion

Chapter 6: Energy Metabolism

Chapter 7: Aerobic and Anaerobic Forms of Metabolism


Chapter 8: The Energetics of Aerobic Activity


Chapter 9: Thermal Relations


Chapter 10: Food, Energy, and Temperature at Work: The Lives of Mammals in Frigid Places

sorry but completely skipped

Chapter 11: Neurons


Chapter 12: Synapses

Chapter 13: Sensory Processes

Chapter 14: Nervous System Organization and Biological Clocks

Chapter 15: Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Physiology

Chapter 16: Reproduction

Chapter 17: Integrating Systems at Work: Animal Navigation

sorry but completely skipped

Chapter 18: Control of Movement: The Motor Bases of Animal Behavior

Chapter 19: Muscle

Chapter 20: Movement and Muscle at Work: Palsticity in Response to Use and Disuse

sorry but completely skipped

Chapter 21: Introdction to Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Physiology

Chapter 22: External Respiration: The Physiology of Breathing

Chapter 23: Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in Body Fluids (with and Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology)

Chapter 24: Circulation

sorry but completely skipped

Chapter 25: Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and Internal Transport at Work: Diving By Marine Mammals

sorry but completely skipped

Chapter 26: Water and Salt Physiology: Introduction and Mechanisms

sorry but completely skipped

Chapter 27: Water and Salt Physiology of Animals in Their Environment

sorry but completely skipped

Chapter 28: Kidneys and Excretion (with Notes on Nitrogen Excretion)

sorry but completely skipped

Chapter 29: Water, Salts, and Excretion at Work: Mammals of Deserts and Dry Savannas

sorry but completely skipped

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