Monday, August 12, 2013

5P Regulation

Pentose Phosphate Pathway

Pentose Phosphate Pathway Regulation


  • NADP concentration (inverse positive? inhibition)
    • DEC NADP conc = DEC enzymatic activity of the nonoxidative interconversions
      • WHY? fewer oxidzing agents
  • NADPH concetration (competitive inhibition)
    • Intensifies the NADP effects
      • HOW? competiting for active sites further DEC enzymatic activity
Rate Limiting Step
  • Dehydrogenation of Glucose 6-phosphate
    • WHY? Irreversible
Control Site
  • Dehydrogenation of Glucose 6-phosphate
    • WHY? Irreversible
  • Need for NADPH, Ribose 5-phosphate and ATP regulates 5P Pathway
    • Alters the different in 4 metabolic situations:

Detailed Regualtion of Glucose 6-Phosphate

Glycolytic - Indirect Pentose Phosphate
  • Mode 1: Ro5P>NADPH - Nonxidative Phase Favored
  • 1)G6P --> DHAP --> GAP ===> Ribose 5-phosphate
  • 2)G6P --> Fructose 6-phosphate ===> Ribose 5-phosphate
    • Rapidly dividng cells - Mitosis/Meiosis
      • 5XGlucose 6-phosphate + ATP -> 6XRibose 5-phosphate + ADP + H
Glycolytic - Direct Pentose Phosphate
  • Mode 2: Ro5P=NADPH - Oxidative Phase Favored
  • G6P --> Ribulose 5-phosphate ===> Ribose 5-phosphate
    • DNA replication w/ Fatty acid synthesis - Liver
      • Glucose 6-phosphate + 2NADP + H2O --> Ribose 5-phosphate + 2NADPH + H + CO2
Pentose Phosphate-Gluconeogenic Cycle
  • Mode 3: Ro5P<nadph - Nonoxidative and Oxidative Phases Favored
    • Steroid Synthesis - Endocrine System
      • Glucose 6-phospahte + 12 NADP + 7H2O --> 6CO2 + 12NADPH + 12H + Pi
Glycolitic - Direct Pentose Phosphate --> Glycolitic-Pentose Phosphate
  • Mode 4: NADPH=ATP - Nonoxidative and Oxidative Phases Favored
    • DNA replication w/ Fatty acid synthesis
      • 3XGlucose 6-phosphate + 6NADP + 5NAD + 5Pi + 8ADP --> 5XPyruvate + 3CO2 + 6NADPH + 5NADH + 8ATP + 2H2O + 8H


  • Rate Limiting Step: CHEM
  • Oxidation
  • Inhibition