How cells talk to each other
Micro-cellular PathwaysSignal Transduction/Cell Signaling
- Sending and receiving information from cells to cells
- Why have secondary messengers?
- Why have additional signaling proteins?
- Why not just use the membrane receptors?
- Delegation, versatility, efficiency
Basics- Signal
- Release of primary messenger
- Reception
- Weak Interactions
- Amplification & Transduction
- Secondary messenger effects
- Response
- ST Termination
- Receptor-ligand interactions are reversible
Phases of Signal Transduction:
- Intercellular Signal Transduction InterSigTrans - Release
- Intracellular Signal Transduction IntraSigTrans - Alteration
Anatomy/Components of Signal Transduction:
Types of Primary Messengers- Hormones
- Energy Charge/State - ATP, NADH, GTP, FADH2
Types of Secondary Messengers
- Nucleotides
- cAMP
- cGMP
- Ions
- Lipids
- beta-Adrenergic Receptor/G Protein/Adenylate Cyclase (AC)/Protein Kinase A (PKA)/Phosphorylase Kinase//Glucagon Interactions
- CCK Receptor]/G Protein/Phospholipase C (PLC)/Protein Kinase C & IP3 Gated Ion(Ligand-Gated Ion Channels)//Pancreas Zymogen Release-->AcCoA and Insertion Points of Glycolysis
- Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2)/STAT5
- Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs)/Grb-2/Sos/Ras
- Insulin Receptor/Insulin Receptor Substrates/Phosphoinositide 3-kinase/PIP3-dependent Protein Kinase/Akt Protein Kinase//Increased GLC Transporters on Cell Surface
- Enzymes
- Organelles
- Km and affinity
- Polarity
- Biomolecules
- Transduction: conversion of signal into other chemical forms
- Primary Messenger: chemical that binds to a receptor with a particular result
- Agonist: chemical that binds to a receptor to trigger a response (signal transduction)
- Antagonist: chemical that binds to a receptor to deactivae a response (signal transduction)
- Effector Proteins: signaling proteins that act by agonist binding
- Secondary Messengers: small intracellular molecuels that transmit or amplify the signal (come from effectors)
- Juxtacrine: Juxtracrine
- Endocrine: Endocrine
- Intracellular Signal Transduction IntraSigTrans
- Intercellular Signal Transduction InterSigTrans
- Intracellular Receptors: regulate gene activity Intracellular Receptor
- Cell Surface Receptors Cell Surface Receptor
- Ligand
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